Creatief,  Persoonlijk

Photo A Day uitdaging Oktober 2012

Ik ga de uitdaging aan! Elke dag een foto plaatsen op mijn blog, gerelateerd aan een al vastgesteld onderwerp voor die dag. Tijdens het surfen op internet kwam ik op een blog terecht van Fat Mum Slim waarbij deze dame een lijst samenstelt en je uitdaagt elke dag een foto te maken van verschillende onderwerpen. oktober gaat morgen van start, dus kan ik meteen aan de bak. Als je ook mee wilt doen, hartstikke leuk! De lijst kan je hieronder vinden!

Per dag staat er een woord of zin en naar aanleiding daarvan maak je dus een foto en plaats je op je blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr enzovoorts. Je mag het woord of de zin helemaal zo in je opnemen als jij wilt, maar als je dat lastig vindt, bij deze een optionele ideeƫnlijst (in Engels)!
1. Where you stood: Take a photo of where you’re standing.
2. Lunchtime: Take a photo of your lunch, or around you at lunchtime.
3. This happened today: Wha’s something that happened today? Shoot it and share it.
4. What you read: Did you read a sign? Are you reading a book? A blog? Shoot and share.
5. Shadow: Take a photo of your shadow or any shadow.
6. I’m thankful for!: What are you thankful for today? It can be simple or BIG. Share it.
7. Light: You can shoot sunflare, a streetlight, light from the sun, any kind of light.
8. Angle: Look at angles in buildings, structures, books, anything. Find an angle and take a photo.
9. Red: Take a photo of something red.
10. Emotion: Happy. Sad. Angry. Overjoyed and so on and so forth. Be creative.
11. Something close-up: These photos might be a little mysterious. Take a photo of something really close-up.
12. On the table: Last month we did table, but this month let’s do ON the table. What’s on your table?
13. Landscape: Take a photo of the skyline, a landscape you see.
14. Makes you laugh: What’s something funny that makes you laugh. Share it.
15. Dinnertime: Just like lunchtime, only later. Take a picture of what dinnertime is like on this day for you.
16. Something you wrote: Take a photo of something you wrote or drew.
17. Fruit: Take a photo of a piece of fruit, or a few.
18. Made you smile today: What made you smile today? Find it. Shoot it. Share it.
19. Letters: Take a photo of letters. They might make up a poster, or something bigger. Or even be mail?
20. 4 o’clock: Take a photo a 4am or 4pm, whatever you’re doing at that time.
21. Calm: Take a photo of something that makes you feel calm, or represents calm.
22. In your town: Take a photo of something from where you live. It might be a building, people, park or something else.
23. The view from here: Take a photo of your view from where you are. It might be your office, your home, traveling. The everyday can sometimes be very interesting.
24. Weather: Take a photo of the weather today. Let’s travel around the world with everyone’s weather photos.
25. People: It might be people you know or people you don’t. Take a photo of people.
26. Listening to: What are you listening to? Music? Children laughing? Share it.
27. Morning: Take a photo of your morning.
28. Looking back: Take a photo of something from your past, or from just behind you. Look back and take a photo.
29. Moon: The moon is just about full tonight. Take a photo.
30. Clothes: Take a photo of clothes. Perhaps what you’re wearing, or in your wardrobe, on a mannequin or otherwise.
31. Whatever you please: Are you celebrating Halloween tonight? Perhaps take a photo of that. Today is free choice; take a photo of ANYTHING you like.

Meer informatie kan je vinden op de blog van Fat Mum Slim ook eerdere uitgaven van deze een foto per dag items kan je daar op de website vinden.
Doe jij mee?


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