Photo A Day challenge mei 2014 #3
Weer een weekje foto’s maken zit erop! Bij deze het overzicht van mijn derde week in mei.
day 15: From where I walk! In de #McDonalds #avondeten #koopavond
day 16: create. #minime knows ways to #creat a #smile on everyone’s face.
day 17: bag #bag of #bbq coals
day 18: something I Drew. (Day late due to familyparty!!) But I drew an #elephant and an #owl
day 19: Alone. My little girl #alone at a huge #playground
day 20: Waiting. My sweet #cat #Bouncer (today is his 10th #birthday) #waiting for new #birdies to fly over. I guess he wants to #cuddle
day 21: card. This #card came from #Russia from an other person who also likes #postcrossing